Our students have created amazing designs for some awesome companies.
Will you be the next great designer?

Will you be the next great designer?
Malkie makes graphic design come alive! Each lesson was enjoyable and full of new things to learn. You would never know you weren’t in a real class even though it wasn’t live. Also, no matter how big or trivial my questions are, she always answers them with a tremendous amount of patience and never leaves me hanging.
Chavie S., New York, NY
Our weekly check-ins help you stay laser-focused. Goodbye, uncompleted courses!
Experience the group energy in our supportive forum. Turn to fellow students for encouragement, inspiration and networking (not to mention funny GIFs :).
Over 350+ job leads send out this year alone! Get access to our dedicated Job development team.
Our assignments are designed to make sure you’ve truly mastered the material.
Need we say more? (OK, here goes: yontiff-friendly scheduling, Jewish oriented projects, clean language to mention a few.) Get technologically advanced training, while still maintaining frum standards.
Innovation and creativity are only half the equation – we walk you through the steps of setting up your business properly so you can hit the ground running.
Learning at the Bold Edge was fast paced, detailed, and informative. Features of the program such as practical homework assignment and video feedbacks proved very helpful. Malkie’s expert knowledge and clear teaching ability enhanced my skills in the Adobe programs.
Mushki P, Toronto, Canada
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