Design and Marketing roundup 11/7/13
Design and Marketing roundup 11/7/13 We have for you this week some interesting tidbits for you to chew on, including a really WOW one! Plus, look out for a new feature series on our blog that you are sure to enjoy and learn from. One of the first steps to designing or redesigning websites is […]
Design and Marketing design roundup 8/1/13
Do you know the feeling when you do not want to forget something, so you keep on reminding yourself and invest too much energy just in the reminder process. Well that was me this week. Until I thought hey, I want to remember all the goodies I have seen during the week so I can […]
Weekly marketing and design roundup – 7/18/13
Daily is not working. There are always new designs to create, students to support, design communities to moderate, new courses to create and research constantly being done. OK I think you get the picture. We are going trying something else. A weekly Marketing and Design roundup. Here is some of the coolness we experienced this […]
Gmail Production Boosters
Gmail Production Boosters Nowadays Gmail has become a tool of choice for sending out emails. Even though at The Bold EdgeJewish Design Central we have email that comes through our website to, we still send out our emails through Gmail. Why? It is simple fast, we can access it anywhere, without having to login […]
Webinar Recording: Creating a Great Marketing Message
Webinar Recording: Creating a Great Marketing Message How to brainstorm to create a great marketing message that will catch interest for Print and/or Web. This is a complete recording of our live Webinar given on November 11, 2012. We have also prepared a handout which summarizes the key points covered. You will see the download […]
Freebie: Free Hebrew Fonts
After many requests on the LinkedIn group I head up: Jewish Women Creatives Worldwide, I decided that I will just create a blog post here on The Bold Edge with all the amazing free Hebrew fonts I have amassed. The funny thing is that for English fonts there are so many websites, such as […]
Windows 8: Is it too cool for you?
Windows 8: Is it too cool for you? For us design people, Windows 8 looks like designer heaven. With the cool, colorful, modern looks it looks great, but the real question we all have, will it work great too? For those of you on Windows, do you all remember when Windows Vista came out, it […]
Video Tutorial: Photoshop CS6 brand new Pattern Scripts
Video Tutorial: Photoshop CS6 brand new Pattern Scripts So have you tried out Photoshopc CS6? The funny thing is that sometimes by the time we get to the latest version of the any of the Adobe software, they are up to prereleases for the next version. I couldn’t believe it that there is already talk of the […]
Video Tutorial: Create design elements using your own photos
Video Tutorial: Create design elements using your own photos Wouldn’t it be great to be able to create design elements for your projects without having to purchase images? Well with this innovate method, you can use the images you already own and create something totally different. View the video to find out how. Tutorial shown […]
Advertising Design part 1
Advertising Design part 1 So you need (or want) to design an advertisement. This is one of the most common pieces of marketing materials designed. In this Advertising series, for Jewish Design Central, we will examine the different things that go into designing a successful advertisement. Step 1: What are you really advertising? Here is where […]