Do you know the feeling when you do not want to forget something, so you keep on reminding yourself and invest too much energy just in the reminder process. Well that was me this week. Until I thought hey, I want to remember all the goodies I have seen during the week so I can bring them to you so I turned to my trusty Evernote. Now I have everything all bookmarked and organized and ready to give to you.
Here is the Marketing and Design roundup for the week:
Are you designing for print or for the web and need some placeholder text. Yeah I know, you can use loerem ipsum, but how about using cupcake ipsem. This is must more yummy. Here is a sample:
Marshmallow toffee sugar plum apple pie muffin. Cotton candy pudding oat cake jelly. Marzipan lemon drops macaroon chocolate ice cream toffee cheesecake apple pie Dessert tiramisu tart halvah muffin. Carrot cake halvah bonbon cheesecake bonbon jelly dragée muffin brownie. Bear claw lemon drops chocolate cake donut cake dragée.
2. Are you a web designer or looking into the web design field? This resource is chock full of information!
3. Check out this cool Hipster Guide: Step by step how to create a vintagy logo. Looks really cool.
4. Did you know you can print with white ink with on a desktop printer: