It’s Chanukah…How does that affect your design?

Hello Monday!

Today I will deviate from our custom of showcasing a designer. Instead we will explore a time period:

Which One?

Greek of course…because its Chanukah!!

The Greeks are the first to develop and extensively use a series of moldings to delineate the outlines of buildings.

Check this out…and get inspired by the patterns you will see!

Greek column

Greek Pattern

Look at the interesting boxy pattern, and contrast that with the pattern that is in a looplike fashion.

It is interesting to learn where these kind of patterns originate from, it also helps when designing something Greeklike. It is important to design using appropriate period trends.

and now…let us go through some Chanukah related stuff…

Check out some great hebrew fonts created by Masterfont. Here are some great ones:

Narkis Gazit

Hebrew Font 1

Uri Rounded

Hebrew Font


Hebrew Font


Hebrew Font

OK we have also put together a list of some cool Chanukah projects that span different interests….

Check out our Pinterest board!

Follow The Bold Edge’s board Chanukah Projects on Pinterest.

Do you have any cool Chanukah projects that you can share? We would Loooove to see it! Comment below please đŸ™‚

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