Marketing and Design Daily Tidbits 2/14/13

Marketing and Design Daily Tidbits


Today was a great day spent outdoors. I decided to go explore a neighborhood I visit maybe once in 7 years. It felt a little touristy and exciting. It is nice to see how different neighborhoods have different designs according to their clientele. Today I have a truckload of resources to share with you and tide you over the weekend (note to self: important to air out, to refresh the creative juice!) Here goes.

1. Place it. I am sure you are wondering, what is this about exactly. Well here is a visual.

Basically, you can specify a web address, or upload your own photo to be pocked up on the spot on a large variety of smart phones, computer screens, iPad like devices. I think this is super cool, instead of having to create a mockup in Photoshop, it is done for me, and then I just have to right click on image to save it and show a client.

2. HTML 5 cheat sheet. A great reference I saw pinned in Pinterest. Check out this comprehensive, beautifully designed informative sheet.

3. The Making of a Book. This video is simply amazing. See what goes into making a book by hand. How was it done years ago. The amount of processes (actually leading with lead, inserting gutters. Simply astounding how far we have come.

4. Get started with vintage type design. I saw this awesome tutorial when researching something unrelated and liked how the process was explained. You would be using Illustrator to create this current vintage look that I am sure you have seen used in designs.

5. Using GREP styled in Indesign. InDesign Secrets in a great secret that needs to be used by all users of InDesign. They write up all these little tips and tricks that will make your InDesign workflow much smoother. In this tip, they go through how to use GREP. Do not know what that is? In simple terms in is sorta a scripting way to really automate InDesign. Check out the tip to learn more!

Now, get down to it and enjoy the goodness and as always, Make it a designer day! See you again on Monday!


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