Daily is not working. There are always new designs to create, students to support, design communities to moderate, new courses to create and research constantly being done. OK I think you get the picture. We are going trying something else. A weekly Marketing and Design roundup.
Here is some of the coolness we experienced this week:
1. http://breakingthetimebarrier.freshbooks.com/: Learn how to charge what you’re really worth. Read this book and find out how you can earn twice as much as you do today.
2. http://type.method.ac/: Great game/way of training your eye with great test kerning.
3. http://designfestival.com/create-a-vintage-badge-in-photoshop: Create a Vintage badge in Photoshop (with free download)
4. The world is flat. Goodbye gradient. Learn more about the latest trend: flat design
Join in the conversation…what did you learn this week?