Advertising Design part 1
So you need (or want) to design an advertisement. This is one of the most common pieces of marketing materials designed. In this Advertising series, for Jewish Design Central, we will examine the different things that go into designing a successful advertisement.
Step 1: What are you really advertising?
Here is where you need to think about what you are actually advertising. The interesting this is that it may be very different from what your first thought are. Let me explain through a sample scenario: We would like to advertise this broom, sold by that has various unique characteristics. Sound great right? OK I agree too. The only problem is you need to think, what are you really selling to people, I am sure you will say, the broom. Not really, when people are looking to buy a broom, there is a reason why they want to buy one. You need to make sure that you are selling it to them in a way that fulfills their needs. Once they feel that you are fulfilling their needs, they will fill your needs (do the action you would like them to do).
How do you figure out why they want to buy it? You need to think psychologically. Why are they really buying the broom? Here is where you need to separate between the features and benefits of your service.
Most advertisers make this mistake. They list in the advertisement the various features of the product. Such as the color, the size, the taste. But what you need to do is the following: Take out a sheet of paper and create 2 columns. One for Features and one for benefits and mark down 10 features of your product or service. Then, this is the important part. For each feature, mark down its corresponding benefit for your potential customer. Now you will have a starting point to an advertising message that really talks to your customers because it benefits them!
Here we have an image of the broom from (I just flipped it to conserve space)
As per the product description on their site: Handmade Broom Set: 100% renewable sorghum is combined with intricately woven, vibrant handles by artisans in Thailand to produce durable brooms colored with nontoxic dyes. Crafted one at a time, this attractive broom and dustpan handle any sweeping assignment with style and efficiency. To clean up small spills, we’ve included a matching whisk broom. Set includes full-size and whisk brooms and dust pan. Whisk 13.5″L x 5.5″W, PAN 16.5″L x 12.5″W, Broom 52″L x 12″W
- Since this is renewable, they are appealing to people that feel responsible for the environment
- Durable brooms colored with non-toxic dyes. This appeals to people who want to feel safe (since they do not want to get impacted by poisons.
- Crafted one at a time, this attractive broom and dustpan handle any sweeping assignment with style and efficiency: This appeals to people who want to feel efficient and stylish.
I think you get the picture. We are focusing on the feelings of your consumers and the benefits they will feel by using your product.
In Part 2 of this Advertising Design series, we will focus some more on Features vs. Benefits, crafting your advertising message and on who and what target market is.
In the meantime [fusion_button link=””]reserve a spot now in our Live Free Advertising Design Webinar on October 24, 2012 to learn tried and true methods of making your next advertisement pop.