Hebrew Typography Part 1

Hello Monday…oops I mean Tuesday. This email, was supposed to go out yesterday…but we were busy learning and networking at The JWE Conference in Connecticut (do not worry, we will talk all about our experiences in a future blog post!) OK you want to design in Hebrew (or do some Hebrew design) whichever way you […]

Did you have enough room on the airplane?

Monday is here… Did you know….In typography, a serif is a small line attached to the end of a stroke in a letter or symbol. Serifs originated in the Latin alphabet  words carved into stone. The Roman letter outlines were first painted onto stone, and the stone carvers followed the brush marks which flared at stroke ends and corners, creating […]

It all starts with a pickle

Huh? What is she talking about. Hold on, I will get to the juicy pickle part soon… Back in January I attended a great event hosted by The JWE (Jewish Women Entrepreneur). The focus was on networking, with a great speed dating, I mean networking event. Before we got into the active networking we had a […]

Yes, You gotta try again…

We will be starting off a new series in which we will be sending a little bit of magic to your mailbox (at unexpected times)! You will get snippets of some design, marketing, business and other miscellaneous stuff we are excited about. Oh, and to be part of it all, follow us on Pinterest @theboldedge, on […]

Shavuos free printables

OK, I am sure by now you know that Shavuos is coming… I am in the idea creation mode so let’s mind map it. focus on the word Shavuos and you may think of CHEESECAKE. I cannot provide you with a REAL cheesecake (maybe a virtual one though). I can tempt your tastebuds by painting […]

Marketing and Design Digest 11/25/14

After seeing so many awesome things today (ok that happens most days, but today I decided that by hook or by crook, I gotta let you all know about it) Cari Jansen’s Blog One of our student was having issues with a new feature with Illustrator CC 2014. Every time she would draw a shape […]

Election Day down memory lane

It is election day here in the States. We have been seeing many advertisements both in print and online from all the candidates involved. I thought it would be fun to take a stroll into the mainstream voting arena and go through some election related posters from throughout the world. Some of them are very […]

Design and Marketing Digest 10/21/14

This year has been a year of growth. We are super duper excited to be offering our all new Internet Marketing Course! It has been a dream of ours for a while, being able to offer such a course in a frum setting! Check out the Internet Marketing course. Here are some things we are […]

Design and Marketing Digest 2/7/14

This is just a quick gathering of great things I have seen over the week, that I had to get out to all of you before the week is over! PatternCooler: This website really blew me away! You have the ability to create seamless patterns there out of the preexisting swatches. But wait, there is […]

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