Einstein on Design

Einstein on Design I just saw such an inspiring saying by Albert Einstein (Einstein in short) It really says in short what our our goals as designers should be. So here goes what I call Einstein on Design (nice rhyme there right 🙂 ) I think this saying says it all. Sometimes when we are […]

Use Hebrew in Illustrator and Indesign without Adobe ME

A common thing that some of us have to deal with is needing to have the ability to type in Hebrew in the Adobe programs. This comes to the fore especially in Indesign.  After poking around a bit to a lower cost alternative to Adobe ME, I found Scribedoor for Indesign and Scribedoor for Illustrator. […]

Design Fundamentals Part 1

It seems that I am constantly preparing course materials (see my last posting The State of Web Design)I was going through the heap of reference and lesson materials (well nowadays we are talking about heaps of digital files too!) in order to prepare for an amazing series of classes that I will be giving through […]

The State of Web Design

It is interesting, as I was preparing and updating course materials for our fantastic Web Design Comprehensive program, I stumbled across this great article titled “The doomsday prediction” which is a a fun article in Newsweek from 1995 “The Internet? Bah!” Who would have thought that the internet would be such a prevailing force in […]

Fabulous Photo Ideas

We all take photos. Especially now that most people have digital cameras (OK 99.9%), people tend to snap and snap, the only limited being the size of your memory card. Now that we have taken all those photos, lets get some photo ideas with some fabulous tips and tricks! 1. Organize your photos Use software […]

What type is your type? Does it have personality?

When we teach new designers how to choose the correct typeface (or a term you may be familiar with, fonts) it is easy to fall into the rut of using all the official terminology.  Of course it is important for any designer to know the roots of typography, its history, classifications and the like. I […]

Organize Creatively

Just the other day I was thinking that it is more fun to create as it is to organize. So, I thought I will have to then organize creatively. This way it is good for business and good for my creativity. Here are some items that can fit the bill of of organizing creatively. 1. […]

Jewish Women Creatives Worldwide: A Linkedin Group

Welcome to The Jewish Women Creatives Worldwide Linkedin Group. A Group that unites Jewish creatives worldwide. Click here to join now and start reaping the benefits! We all look forward to networking with creative like-minded Graphic Designers, Web Designers, Video Professionals, Photographers etc for: 1. Jewish Oriented Design solutions 2. Job opportunities within the Jewish […]

Welcome to The Bold Edge

Hi everyyone! We are joining the blog world! Firstly, let me introduce ourselves. The Bold Edge is a design school whos main goal is to offer innovative, cutting-edge courses in a manner that is most convenient for you! How? we offer home-based live interactive courses or non-internet classes, as well as at our studio in […]

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