Marketing and Design Digest 11/25/14

After seeing so many awesome things today (ok that happens most days, but today I decided that by hook or by crook, I gotta let you all know about it) Cari Jansen’s Blog One of our student was having issues with a new feature with Illustrator CC 2014. Every time she would draw a shape […]

Design and Marketing Digest 10/21/14

This year has been a year of growth. We are super duper excited to be offering our all new Internet Marketing Course! It has been a dream of ours for a while, being able to offer such a course in a frum setting! Check out the Internet Marketing course. Here are some things we are […]

Design and Marketing Digest 2/24/14

This week we will focus on a combination of tidbits from here and there and a great piece of advice on negotiating in business. 1. First of all I saw this great calendar. Click here for more information! Remember when you were a child (ok this is something that we secretly or not so secretly […]

Design and Marketing Digest 2/19/14

This week we will focus on Color. I have brought together various resources that discuss color as it applies to marketing and design. 1. Start with this fabulous article on The Psychology of Color in Marketing and Branding. Here you will see a pretty comprehensive analysis how color affects your marketing and branding. 2. Check out […]

Marketing and Design Digest 2/12/14

This week has been really exciting. From attending a marketing event (and meeting lots of amazing people), to working on some exciting new projects. Let’s get started on some amazing things we have come across this week: 1. Some things I heard at the marketing event that I would like to pass along to you […]

Marketing and Design Digest 1/7/2014

After a long break (during which we were busy developing courses, coming out with a monthly marketing column in the Mishpacha “Marketing Magic” -Have you seen it?), we have some goodies to share with you! First I want to share with you a great link to 100 free fonts. I am sure you will find […]

Design and Marketing roundup 11/13/13

First of all, before I forget, We are well on the way to launching a new feature on our blog, and hope to debut it this week. Stay tuned. If you are not on our mailing list you should joining right away (see the convenient sign up form to the right of the page!) On […]

Design and Marketing roundup 11/7/13

Design and Marketing roundup 11/7/13 We have for you this week some interesting tidbits for you to chew on, including a really WOW one! Plus, look out for a new feature series on our blog that you are sure to enjoy and learn from. One of the first steps to designing or redesigning websites is […]

Design and Marketing roundup 10/30/13

Design and Marketing roundup 10/30/13 This week has been busy and interesting. Between getting started on some exciting new projects (don’t worry we will keep you updated!) and working through some technical difficulties with one of our computers in the office, we were kept on our toes! We do however have for you some interesting […]

Design and Marketing roundup 10/23/13

This week we have some great goodies. Our fabulous Web Design course just started last week and of course as we prepared for the course (we constantly update and add new course material, so come upon such cool things) A great mix of Marketing and design stuff.  Are you looking to ramp up your portfolio…use […]

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