Design and Marketing Daily Digest 1/21/13

DAY ONE: Monday, January 21, 2013

I am really excited to be writing here for you about the interesting articles I have read that day, the freebies I have found that will help your business and the business and marketing thoughts that go through my mind on a daily basis. I felt that it does not fit into our main Design and Marketing Blog which you can see here, since this Design and Marketing Daily Digest will be more like a listing of constantly updated resources I come across on a daily basis.

  1. Did you here about this new payment platform? I just heard about it through LinkedIn. it seems to try to be an easier and cheaper system to get up and running if you are just starting out in business. The maximum transaction fees are a quarter, yup you read that right .25. What is confusing about their website is why it is so cheap. They say say on their website and I quote directly ” We’ve created our own hybrid ACH network with our technology partners and investors. The result is a new, safer and more secure way to transfer money that works on and with social behaviors you engage in, on a daily basis.”  I am not so sure I like that, it seems that they are tracking and maybe selling my buying habits. hmm. But definitely something interesting to check out and see if it works for you.
  2. Toginet Live Webcasts: Disclaimer: I just saw this last night and have not had a chance to listen to any of the webcastas (that is what happens when you are excited to find new and amazing resources of information on a daily basis, now I need to find the time to process them all!). These webcasts are definitly high on my list to listen too. One this I love about it is that It is only audio, so I can multitask (which I love doing). I can work and listen to great information at the same time. Try it out, I am sure you will find at least 1 webcast that will capture your attention and give you some great business and marketing ideas!
  3. Special deals. Thanks our posters on our LinkedIn Group Jewish Women Creatives Worldwide (btw you have to join this dynamic group of worldwide Jewish designers!). OK, back to my point, they have daily deals on some really cool font families..yes you heard right, they are full families of fonts with bold, thin etc. Of course this is depending on the font type, becase they have some picture fonts some scripts etc. MyFonts is a premier resource for purchasing fonts, so make this your daily go to page.

OK that’s all folks for today. Until tomorrow!

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