Marketing and Design Daily Tidbits 2/21/13

Marketing and Design Daily Tidbits


Purim is coming. My 3 year old daughter brought home her little Purim characters on sticks. She then proceeded to start cutting (I do not know why these little kids are sooo fixated with cutting). She started with Haman. I told her that she is cutting off hi feet, she told me, “Haman is bad, so it is OK”. Kids are so not predictable, they keep you on your intellectual toes.

Now, here is your personal Purim message from our team here at The Bold EdgeJewish Design Central. Also skip down below for a link to The Container store for a free label printable download to label your Mishloach Manos. Today I really got into the Purim spirit.

Click image below to go to The Container Store’s site and choose from an assortment of free printable labels to download.

Now, as always. Make it a designer day! See you again on Tuesday!


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